About Me

A little about me (in bulleted listed form, because that's how I work):

  • I am a 6th grade teacher in Decatur, Illinois.
  • Teaching is not humanly possible without coffee. I'm sure of it.
  • My desk could be likened to an endangered animal, it is very rarely seen.
  • I have a slight font addiction.
  • When I'm not teaching, I'm a photographer.
  • I procrastinate like nobody's business (which is why I'm creating a blog instead of working on my midterms that are due Wednesday).
  • I've become so much of a coffee snob that coffee from the teacher's lounge will no longer do. My coffee is either brewed at home before I leave work or in the coffee maker that resides in the corner of my classroom.
  • My students have identified that there is such thing as a "Ms. Ellison Sized Coffee."
  • Charlie, my dog, is the cutest dog on the planet. 
Let me present Exhibit A.
    You can't tell me that he isn't the cutest dog that you've ever seen.
  • Most of my paychecks are spent at Target. I love Target.
  • I'm pretty artsy fartsy. Pinterest is awesome (and I actually make some of the stuff that I pin)!
  • My boyfriend fiancé, Matthew, and I have been together for almost over 3 years now and we're getting married on October 7th.
  • He's a pretty handsome guy, if I may say so  myself.
  • This is my second year teaching. I graduated with my Associate's from Richland Community College in 2008 (and saved myself thousands of dollars of student debt). In 2010, I graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor's in Elementary Education.
  • Before I started teaching, I worked at a library for 5 years (and I volunteered there for 5 years before that). I know, I'm a nerd.
  • I tend to get a tad bit carried away when I make lists. (Oops!)


  1. Your blog looks awesome, I am so happy to have found it!! Happy Summer to you! :) :)

  2. Greetings Laura,
    I am a newbie at blogging and am looking, no begging! for help and/or advice. What were some of your tricks to get up tot 50 followers (been out there for 2 weeks and currently stand at...drum roll please...one. =( LOL) I am in the process of getting my blog look amped up a tad - just reaching out to bloggers I follow to see if you all have any suggestions for a newbie like me =) Thanks - LOVE your blog and your photos are amazing! Joann

    1. You know, I honestly am not sure how I got so many followers! My blog did get a shout out from another blogger, which helped a lot, but other than that, commenting on other blogs helps a bunch. And make sure that you include a link to your blog with your comment-it makes it super easy for people to check out your blog! Keep your posts interesting, show your personality, include lots of pictures (I LOVE looking at pictures!). One other thing I would suggest is moving the box for your followers to the top of your blog instead of the bottom-it'll make it easier to follow!

      I'm glad you enjoy my ramblings-let me know if I can help you out at all!

      And you have 2 followers now! :)

  3. Love your cute blog and adore the blog name!!! I teach 4th grade in Oklahoma...I'm a sporadic blogger but would love for you to follow me back. Thepolkadotdesk.blogspot.com

    Enjoy your summer!

  4. Love your blog! Where did you get this cute background/template? After your reading your list, it sounds like we would be friends IRL. :) I, too, am a coffee addict, love Pinterest/Target/lists and worked at a library before teaching!

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  5. Glad to find your blog! I'm also a teacher in IL (central IL) and recently married myself.


  6. I teach 6th grade in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago... after creeping on your blog hardcore, I'm pretty sure you are my long lost teaching soul mate - haha not creepy at all! Can't wait to follow :) just started my blog, and loving the crazy weird therapy it gives me after a long week of 6th graders!

