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  1. Someone must have had a tremendous sale on those non-erasable whiteboards! I had one in my fifth grade classroom for two years (and then God sent us Promethean boards). Germ-X type hand sanitizer became my very best friend...especially since I had a group of regular markers mixed in with dry erase markers right by that board. Oops! Anyway, a little sanitizer and some paper towels or a sponge will wisk the nastiness away. Best wishes for a fabulous year!

  2. Hello Laura,

    I came across your blog site, love the name!
    The owner of our company, DialMyCalls, would like to Support your classroom. I clicked on the "Give" button and proceeded using paypal.
    However, I want to be sure I am following the correct sequence so your class gets the donation.

    Please advise.

    Thank you,
