I'm super excited about being able to get back into my room and being able to start decorating and putting the room back together, but when I actually get there...
I don't feel like working anymore.
Ok, so that probably has a lot to do with the fact that it was 88 in my classroom today, but still. I have so much to get done. And it's not that I'm really crunched for time yet, so my motivation is a bit lacking.
I know, I know, I make no sense.
So I've been keeping pretty busy with wedding planning and setting up my classroom. The wedding is almost planned, I just have to order the bouquets, pick a flower girl dress, convince the guys to finally go get fitted for tuxes, and start putting the decorations together for the reception (though they have been ordered).
Wedding planning tip:
Flowers are INSANELY expensive. I mean, seriously, $175 for a relatively ugly fresh bouquet?! You ARE kidding, right?! They die! And wilt! But, I seriously have a thing against fake flowers. I know, it's petty, but I just don't like 'em.
Solution: Bouquets of DRIED flowers. Genius, right?! They don't wilt, they don't need water, and they can't die because they're already dead! Oh, and did I mention that I can get all 5 of the bridesmaid bouquets and mine for less than it would cost me to get ONE fresh bouquet?! I call that, my friends, a wedding planning win.
Go team.
I'm going to attempt to finish this post quickly so I can actually claim a Monday Made It (for once)! I never make it in on time. Sigh.
So. Teri and I have been trying to figure out a way to handle school supplies this year. We've tried having the kids keep them at their desks, we've tried collecting them and only handing out the supplies when they're needed, and without fail, the supplies mysteriously vanish into thin air. Mass chaos ensues.
We've both decided to try supply boxes this year. Each student will have a plastic shoebox sized tub with his or her number on it to keep supplies in. But, the supply boxes will be stored on a shelf and will only be gotten out when we actually NEED the supplies. So there shouldn't be crayons, scissors, markers, glue, or any other distractions in their desks. And, in theory, they shouldn't "disappear."
Well you know me, I can't have boring labels or ugly tubs.
Lucky for me, Target had the shoebox tubs on sale last week, so I got 30 of them for less than $30. And, they're that awesome hot red to match my crate seats. And that's what I call a school supply win.
So I set to work Sunday afternoon on some awesome labels for my boxes. And then, I laminated them using my handy dandy new laminator (thank you credit card points for making that a totally free purchase).

They look really wrinkly in the picture, but I promise they aren't.

I wouldn't be able to handle that.
At all.
So I used some glue dots (which are pretty much my favorite thing EVER) and stuck those puppies to my glorious boxes.

Not that I'm even remotely biased or anything.
Oh, and I posted the labels on my TpT store. And they're free for a few more days. Just so you know.
And I may have also posted some pretty awesome PBIS expectation posters. Which are also free right now.

In other news, I lost my desk today. I swear it was there a couple weeks ago. Sigh.
It'll show up eventually.
I've gotten most of my bulletin boards covered/bordered, but I GROSSLY overbought my border.
You see, I recall using 5 packs of border when I covered my back board two years ago. And I planned on covering it and the board at the front of the room that is identical in size. And I still wanted to have some for the hallway board. So you can imagine how excited I was to find a listing on Amazon for 16 packs of zebra border for $42!
Then I started covering my boards.
After I finished the first one, the one that I SWEAR used 5 packs two years ago, I had only used 2 packs and about 3 strips from a third pack.
So now I have this INSANE surplus of zebra print border. ...Anyone want to buy it off of me? Sigh.
I must say, even though they have nothing on them yet, the boards look AWESOME.
But my room is still a mess, so I'll show you those later.
Ummm...what else was I going to tell you?
I finally gave in and decided to create a Facebook page since I haven't really had the time to commit to big posts lately. So Will Grade for Coffee is now on Facebook. You should probably like it.
I also got approval from my principal today to start doing the Daily 5 this year. Super excited!
Now I just have to find time to finish reading the book. Oops.
Did I mention that Matt and I had our engagement shoot this weekend? The fabulous Alida Duff Sullivan is our official engagement/wedding photographer and was awesome enough to give us a sneak peek at some of the shots! We were SO lucky that it was only in the upper 80s on Saturday (isn't is sad that the upper 80s seem cool now?), so we weren't all sweaty and gross. Definitely awesome.
So on that note, I will leave you will our awesome sneak peek!