And I mean A LOT longer.
And it certainly doesn't help that I'm a perfectionist and spent a insane amount of time moving text boxes around the page-and not big moves, mind you, teeny tiny, minuscule nudges around the page.
I know, I'm ridiculous.
Of course, it didn't help that halfway through my awesome resource (see how I'm building suspense?) I got momentarily
Oh yeah, I made this from scratch. By myself. Google helped out, too.
No more generic template for this girl-my blog now has a one-of-a-kind design. And I love it. (Can you tell?!?!)
Wouldn't you know, my freebie that I made just for you is pretty darn awesome, too! (Not that I'm going to tell you what it is yet. Suspense. Duh.)

This position doesn't actually look all that weird at first. But then you realize that there's something crazy going on with those front paws. And the dangling leg. He's just too cute for his own good.
Anywho--I know you're just DYING to know what I've cooked up for my 50 Follower Freebie! So without further ado, may I present to you...
The Laura Ellison
Independent Reading Journal of Awesomeness!!!!!
(What? Too much?)
You get:
- 4 color covers (with a super cute chevron background
- 2 black and white covers (one with chevrons, one without)
- A journal checklist
- Book Fact Sheet
- Daily reading log
- Character Portrait
- Setting Snapshot
- Point of View Postcard
- Book Review
- Journal completion/scoring sheet
- 2 Daily Journal pages (4 designs)
Basically, your kids can use this with any book that they're reading independently. Consider alternative book report. And, it's an easy way for you to hold them accountable for their independent reading.
On the daily reading log, they can log how long they read and how many pages they read. After the finish reading, they fill out (half) a journal page. Because there are two entries on a page. In their journal entry, they write a short summary of what they read that day, and then make a connection to the text (which is GREAT practice for those pesky extended response questions!).
There is a TON of fun stuff in this set! Seriously, I am in LOVE with it!
Since you were one of my first 50 57 followers, you get it for free!!! Yay, you!!!
Enjoy your evening!